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Voice Recognition

Work-Based Learning

Work-based learning opportunities:
o    Onsite- school embedded
o    Off campus- in the community
o    Co-Ops - as part of a career and technical education experience

Support for classroom teachers & staff can be coordinated by clicking here:
CDC Requests (Click the link)

    Classroom presentations
    Career related field trips
    Job shadows/rotations
    Business tour
    Mock interviews
    Application or resume review/support
    Working papers

Our Core Values

  • Students are our first priority.
  • Employees are our most valuable resource.
  • Cultivating diversity, equity, inclusion and guarding against bias are essential.
  • Everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
  • All employees will exhibit professionalism, integrity and excellence.
  • Creativity and continuous improvement are crucial to everything we do.
  • A safe, challenging and nurturing environment supports learning.
  • All can learn and grow academically, socially and emotionally.
  • Customer service and collaboration are key to being a successful and trusted partner.