Adolescent Day Treatment 8:1:1
This program is the result of a partnership between Broome-Tioga BOCES, the State Education Department and the Greater Binghamton Health Center (OMH). BOCES is responsible for the regents-based educational component, while GBHC is responsible for clinical services. A therapeutic treatment team approach is used. The program is designed to meet the needs of classified students grades 6-12 who have mental health needs. The goal is re-integration into the student's home school.
Center-based Crossroads 8:1:1
This program serves students (K-21 years) with emotional and/or learning disabilities who have been referred by a component school districts' Committee on Special Education. Students attend small classes with a focus on integration across all disciplines. Remedial help is available along with limited counseling services as a part of the program. The goal is to help students modify negative behaviors, return to a regular or less-restrictive educational environment and learn about skills needed for occupational jobs or earn a high school diploma.
District-Based Crossroads 8:1:1
This program offers academic instruction with an inclusive focus. Students progress in programming to meet general NYS learning and assessment guidelines. Currently, this program serves students grades K-8 who have learning and behavioral needs. Limited counseling is available as part of this program.
Futures 12:1:1
This program serves students grades 9-12. The program goal is to help students develop independent living skills and to facilitate active and positive community participation. Students are able to earn credit toward a NYS Regents or local diploma. Transition services are available to assist students as they move to the world of work.
Project SEARCH
Project SEARCH serves students ages 18-21 in their last year of school. This 12:1+1 internship-based program is designed to meet the needs of students with moderate disabilities who are working toward their Skills and Achievement Commencement (SACC) Credential or their Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Credential and who have been classified as intellectually disabled and/or are diagnosed with such things as multiple orthopedic impairments, multiple physical impairments, autism, or traumatic brain injury. The program emphasis is preparation for competitive employment in the workforce through a collaborative effort between Broome-Tioga BOCES, Lourdes Hospital, ACCES-VR, Community Options,and OPWDD. Students are admitted via an application process, interview and skills assessment. Our goal is to maximize each student’s potential for employment.
Reclaim 6:1:1
This program offers a small, therapeutic, highly structured environment for students in grades K-8 with intensive emotional and behavioral needs. This program focuses on building coping skills and resiliency through an environment that stresses belonging, generosity, mastery and independence. Counseling and access to community-based wrap-around services are embedded factors of this program.