The New York State Master Teacher Program is a vibrant professional network of more than 1400 outstanding public school K-12 STEM teachers throughout the state who share a passion for their own STEM learning and for collaborating with colleagues to inspire the next generation of STEM leaders.
Inspiring our state’s best teachers and rewarding their efforts ultimately attracts talented students into careers in STEM fields, including STEM education. Through participation in the NYSMTP, selected STEM teachers receive $15,000 stipends annually over four years.
Master Teachers join colleagues for professional learning and collaboration at nine SUNY host campuses across the state, aligned with New York’s economic development regions. Each SUNY site serves as home-base for the region and partners with other educational institutions and organizations to provide a robust program tailored to meet their Master Teachers’ unique professional growth and development goals.
“Each one of the master teachers brings a unique perspective, but all of us share one simple passion: giving our students a great education.” - Master Teacher Abbey Albright
Dina Hartung, MSEd, Director of the NYSMTP of the Southern Tier, held an informational session in November at Teacher Center. She has shared the information below and encourages teachers to attend other events posted for the region.
The NYS Master Teacher website contains information on the program. Also, Governor Hochul recently announced the new Master Teacher selections (cohort 2023) and opened the next application cycle (for cohort 2024):
Please continue to check the NYS Master Teacher website for application information sessions hosted by the NYSMTP state office. These sessions will go into a lot more detail about the application cycle and you can get any questions answered that may arise. There is also information here about the PRAXIS. Simply scroll to the bottom of the page.
Here is the link to the NYSMTP Launchpad where you will find our statewide calendar as you scroll down. The events with the prefix ST are those offered in the Southern Tier. Dina recommends you click***Monthly view now available as a subpage***
A registration link is found on the calendar post. You are welcome to register as a guest for any of the events posted for our region.