A variety of programs offered to client schools and the community.
"Cooperative Service" applications (Co-Sers) for every BOCES service must be filed and approved by the State Education Department before a service can be provided. BOCES is required to file Co-Sers for every service it offers, regardless of whether the program is aided.
Shared Service
A service in which two or more school districts participate. Sharing is one of the requirements necessay for service costs to be considered for BOCES aid.
Itinerant Service
BOCES may employ staff members to provide direct services on a shared basis among school districts. The content areas can include all certified and specialty support personnel. Services can be provided at the local school, at BOCES or at another appropriate site. They can be delivered at certain hours each day, certain days per week or certain periods during a school year. However, to receive BOCES aid, no district's "share" of an itinerant staff member's schedule can exceed 60 percent.
Cross Contract
A cross contract enables a component district of Broome-Tioga BOCES to obtain services provided by other BOCES in New York state. A Co-Ser with Broome-Tioga BOCES must be filed before the service from the other BOCES can be provided or aided.
Services Guide
This booklet is designed to assist clients in understanding the nature of the services being offered. Client needs and requests are incorporated in the design of our services. In addition, services not listed in this guide may be provided if clients request them.
Final Request for Services (FRS)
A commitment by a school district for services to be rendered in the following school year (July-June).