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Voice Recognition

Regional Cooperative Summer School

Regional Cooperative Summer School

Academic Middle/Secondary Summer School

Remedial and accelerated classes, plus special enrichment programs, are available for students in grades 6-12 at summer school sites throughout the area.

Senior School

Senior School is dedicated to students entering or exiting 12th grade and is designed to recover credits for graduation. Students take independent studies under a subject-area certified teacher, and each summer school site has a teacher dedicated to providing individual help.


Regents/RCT August Examinations

Each Cooperative Summer School site will administer Regents/RCT exams to students from participating schools. Students must be registered for each test by the home school to ensure compliance with state regulations. Regents examinations may be administered to students enrolled in the summer school program who either have been previously admitted to the examination, have attended a minimum of 42 hours of summer school, or were approved for credit by examination in accordance with Section 100.5 (d) (1) of the commissioner's regulations.
Contact Information 
For more information, contact Chuck Wheeler
at 762-6400

Regional Cooperative Summer School Program Data

Our Core Values

  • Students are our first priority.
  • Employees are our most valuable resource.
  • Cultivating diversity, equity, inclusion and guarding against bias are essential.
  • Everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
  • All employees will exhibit professionalism, integrity and excellence.
  • Creativity and continuous improvement are crucial to everything we do.
  • A safe, challenging and nurturing environment supports learning.
  • All can learn and grow academically, socially and emotionally.
  • Customer service and collaboration are key to being a successful and trusted partner.